LINE's "GRAPH" for Children

LINE ibarat orang tua yang sepantasnya mengawasi karakteristik anak yang berbeda-beda, ada yang suka bermain, suka selfie, suka baca komik, suka menggambar, mendengarkan musik, dan masih banyak lagi, TAPI LINE lupa bahwa anak senang menerjemahkan sesuatu, suka belajar bahasa, senang hal baru, dan senang ikut-ikutan, dan senang senang yang penting semua senang.

LINE is like parents who appropriately oversee the characteristics of children that really different, not only like to play, like selfie, like reading a comic, like drawing, listen to the music, and much more, but also happy to translate something, learn something new, happy with color full things, and happy together with their friends.

Are we colonized? in a new form? 
Everybody have to consider that LINE will attack your children's mind
This is the TRUE of man made disaster
thanks play store for all of the pictures


When Hazard (H) meets the Vulnerability (V) then everybody without exception have to improve their Capacity (C), so that we can minimize the Risk (R)


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